How to Make Home Made Yogurt!
True, in the eighties, you couldn’t go to a garage sale
without tripping over an electric yogurt maker. Yet, I’ve known only two people who’ve
actually made their own yogurt, and they are the ladies who influenced me to do
the same. The first went up to Canada’s Northwest
Territories in the sixties, stars shining in her idealistic
eyes. Living in a big old tent heated
with a woodstove, year round no less, she regularly made her yogurt on that
very woodstove. She would sew herself
into her long underwear in the fall. The
other lady was originally from San Francisco, but had moved to a country home
in North Idaho. She made fabulous yogurt
on her vintage 1950’s gas stove that had a pilot light which perfectly maintained the right yogurt temperature, that is until it blew up a few months
ago, nearly taking her home and partner with it. Ouch!
My recipe for home made yogurt is extremely healthy and can be made in anybody’s
kitchen, with little effort and no special equipment.
4 cups 1% milk
1/3 cup skim milk powder
2 tablespoons high quality plain yogurt (you can use your own, once you’re started,
but if you don’t have any ‘starter’ yogurt, buy a serving size carton in the
health food store. Be sure you are
buying a ‘pro-biotic’ plain yogurt.)
As early as possible, put your starter yogurt in a draft
free spot, to let the little creatures in there throw off their refrigerator
chill, and wake up.
Pour the milk into a non-stick pan, and add the skim milk
powder. Stirring occasionally, heat till
tiny bubbles percolate to the surface.
Take off the heat to cool. Immediately
turn your oven on. The default heat
setting is fine, because you will watch it carefully and turn it off the moment
it registers above 100 F. Turn on the
oven light to help keep it warm and remind you to take the yogurt out later. It will
take at least 30 minutes, perhaps longer, for your milk to become slightly warmer than
lukewarm. Check it often. When it feel comfortably warm on your wrist,
pour it into the covered container that you’ll keep your yogurt in. (I use a plastic container.) Carefully mix in the starter yogurt. It should be well incorporated into the milk
to distribute the creatures.
Check your oven, it should be warm and cozy, but not
hot. If the rack is hot to the touch, fold
an old tea towel and place it on the rack.
Put the container on the tea towel, close the door, and let sit for six
hours. After that time has passed, gently
tilt your container to see if the yogurt has solidified. If it has, remove it and don’t forget the the
tea towel! Cover the container and
refrigerate. You can leave the container
in the oven for another two hours, but leaving it in there for more than eight
hours can make yogurt that’s a little too tangy!
Plain yogurt is a healthy accompaniment to many
savoury dishes, and it’s wonderful with fruit and a little honey. Better yet, it’s amazing in a fresh lassi!
That 1950's gas stove is doing just fine now. Once Mark saw the prices of the stoves we'd like, he decided the blowup wasn't the stove's fault. His eyelashes and arm fur have grown back in now.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to hear that wonderful stove didn't land up in the scrap heap! It's a beauty... Glad Mark's good looks have been restored, as well!